Reissue of the digital EP originally released on July 15, 2010.
This digital EP features six experimental tracks in the tradition of early electronic music of the late 50s and 60s, a digitized mix of confusing and intriguing strangeness. Tracks played with Tenori-On, Korg Kaos Pad 3, analog beeps and processing artifacts collide hard with unexpected silences and sudden pattern changes. A distinct architecture of sequences comparable to a futurist painting. A constant parallel to movement and its metamorphosis, rather than the split-second descriptive approach like most forms of electronic music. The works emphasize their artificial nature as an accidental by-product of applied algorithms and yet, paradoxically, the music appears lively and organic. Perhaps due to being able to act freely and without restrictions. Stylistically, due to its roots, album has a strong closer approximation to electro-acoustic and avant-garde; a certain warmth and aesthetic beauty of sound more typical of the latter musical category.
Written, composed, performed, recorded and mixed by Paolino Canzoneri (2012 Palermo)
New mastering: Nicola Manzan
Self released
Digital reissue: 7 November 2021